My Faith Bucket List

by Vanessa Myers
faith-based bucket list

Have you ever made a bucket list?  This is a list of things you would like to do before you leave this earth.  I have not done this…well, I’ve never officially written anything down, but I’ve always had a few ideas in my mind of things I would like to do one day. 

But what about a bucket list of things related to your faith?  I had never thought about creating a list of those things, but I thought it would be fun to do!  So, here are 12 things I would love to do one day that are faith-based:

1. Go to Israel

This is my dream.  I want to see where Jesus was born.  I want to see where He met with the woman at the well.  I want to go out on a boat onto the Sea of Galilee.  I want to walk the Via Dolorosa.  I want to see the place where He was crucified.  I want to set foot on the same soil where Jesus lived and walk where Jesus walked.  And I would love to do this with my daughters.  One day when they get older and aren’t in school we will go.  One day….

2. Memorize more Scripture

I love God’s Word, but I have to say that I want to know more about His Word. I want to memorize more Scripture so that I can continue to share it with others and recall it at any time.

3. Lead workshops for ministry leaders on serving families

I want to speak at conferences for ministry leaders giving ideas for ways they can serve and equip the families in their churches.

4. Mentor seminary students

I wish I had a mentor when I was in seminary.  Someone who worked in the local church and could have guided me through my journey in seminary.  Someone who would impart their wisdom and experience of what it is like to work in the church.  Someone who could encourage me and pray with me.  I want to be that person for someone in seminary. 

5. Publish devotionals for kids and families

I enjoy writing devotions for kids and families. I would love to publish some for them to use. ***Update…I have published one!! Check out Breakfast with Jesus: 100 Devotions for Kids About the Life of Jesus.

6. Attend a church in every state

I would love to visit one church in every state and attend one of its worship services.  That way I could say I’ve been to every state and attended church in that state too!

7. Visit these Christian places in the United States:

The Ark Encounter in Kentucky,  The Museum of the Bible in Washington DC, and The Great Passion Play in Arkansas.  (I have actually been to the Great Passion Play as a child but I remember nothing about it).

8. Become a VBS consultant

I think my favorite thing about being in Children’s Ministry is that I get to plan and run a VBS.  I love every aspect of VBS!  I would love to take what I have learned over the years in running a VBS and be able to help churches who are struggling in having one or who just need guidance and direction on how to run one. 

9. Teach a Bible class for children at a Christian school

I don’t want to be a full-time teacher in a Christian school.  I just want to be a teacher who comes in and teaches one or two classes on the Bible to elementary kids.  I think that would be so much fun!

10. Write more letters to my sponsored child in Uganda

I am guilty of not being a good letter writer.  I want to communicate more with our sponsored child who lives in Uganda. 

11. Go on a mission trip with my family

I believe serving the Lord together as a family is important.  One thing I would love to do with my family is go on a mission trip.  My kids are old enough to go on one and I think all four of us would so enjoy serving God on a mission trip together.

12. Own a Bible in each translation

Because I love God’s Word so much, I would LOVE to have a copy of the Bible in every translation.  I probably have about 5 translations now.  It’s a start, but I want them all! 

What about you? What are some things you have on your faith bucket list? Share with us in the comments!

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Debbie February 11, 2019 - 9:52 am

Love your post ❤️ Put your list in the middle of a circle and continually circle around, praying and having faith God will hear your prayers and your dream will be fulfilled. If you ask and pray God will answer. Blessings

Vanessa Myers February 11, 2019 - 10:57 am

Thank you Debbie!!


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