5 People I Know Who Have Impacted My Faith

by Vanessa Myers

In a recent conversation with someone, I realized how I am blessed to have been raised in a Christian home and to have parents who taught me about God and Jesus and who were faithful in taking us to church every Sunday. There are many out there (my friend included) who were never taught about God, who were never taught about Jesus and His ultimate sacrifice for us, who were never blessed to have the joy of going to church each Sunday. And my heart breaks….

This began me thinking about who in my life that I know has impacted my faith. The list is long, but I decided to share with you the five people in my life who have formed and shaped my faith to what it is today.

1. My Mother (Claudia Thomas)

She is a loving, caring, compassionate, self-less mother who showed me the love of Jesus. She not only taught me about Jesus, but she taught the kids in our church about Him, too, through Sunday school and VBS. But I think one of the things about her that showed me Jesus the most was her constant singing praises to Him. I can remember waking up in the morning and hearing her sing hymns as she got ready for work. Hymns like Amazing Grace, Because He Lives, In the Garden, Old Rugged Cross, and many more. Her voice singing to Jesus helped me grow in my faith (and also made me enjoy singing to God, too).

2. My Grandmother  (Irene Ricketts)

We called her Mema. She taught me about Jesus by showing me His love. She loved each grandchild so very much. She knew all the things we loved to eat and made sure to make them when we came to visit. She called us once a week to talk with us and see if we had “anything special” to share with her that happened to us that week. She also wrote letters to us each month and we so enjoyed opening them and reading them (sometimes they even included a little cash!). She took us with her to nursing homes to help tell others about the love of Jesus. Her actions truly showed me how to love like Jesus.

3. Ron & Rana Gwin

They were our Youth Counselors at church when I was in middle school and high school. They also happened to be my friends parents. We all loved Mr. and Mrs. Gwin! They were the constant source of encouragement in the youth lives at our church (especially when we seemed to get a new Youth Director every year). They opened up their home to us to hang out. They showed up every Sunday to teach us about how to walk out our faith as teenagers. They took us on fun trips, too! Everything about this couple spoke volumes to me as a teenager. I am very thankful for how they shaped my faith.

4. My Camp Glisson Friends

In 1996, God brought together 5 young ladies as counselors at Glisson. We quickly formed a friendship that has lasted 22 years. When you live with and work closely with someone for 9 weeks in a summer (for 3 summers in a row), you form relationships that don’t fade. These 4 ladies (I was the 5th one) mean the world to me and I am grateful for the fun times we shared at camp, but more thankful that I know I can call on any one of them and they would be there for me. I think that one of the things that helps us in our lives and helps us grow in our faith walk is the ability to laugh. God knew that we needed laughter to make it through this life. We have a group text where we chat weekly and make each other laugh so hard. God knew how much we needed each other when we were 19 years old, but also knew how much we would need each other at 42 years old. Thank you Kim Bell, Amanda Tommey Terbush, Susan Allen Grady, and Rachel Bine for showing me God’s love and bringing laughter to my life. You have made an impact on my faith.

5. Tricia Finesilver

I met Tricia 8 years ago when I first arrived at my church to serve as the Children’s Director. She quickly became one of my friends. We have served together in Children’s Ministry and also have been together in small groups and Bible studies. Over the years she has become not only a good friend but a faithful prayer partner. She doesn’t just say she’s going to pray for me, but she actually prays with me in person or via text or phone. She listens when I need to talk. She is someone I know I can call or text at any time of the day (we have had text conversations going at 6:00 am). She and her husband are truly committed to serving the Lord and praying for those in need. I am forever blessed by Tricia and am grateful to call her my sister and friend in Christ.

What about you? Who in your life has impacted your faith? Share with us in the comments below.

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