Dinner & a Devotion: Little Red Chick

by Vanessa Myers
Dinner and a Devotion

Welcome to a new series on the blog called “Dinner and a Devotion.” Each post will include a devotion for your family to do around the dinner table, plus a yummy recipe you can make for dinner!

Today’s recipe is one of my absolute favorites! Little Red Chick is a recipe I obtained after my grandmother passed away. Her church did a luncheon after the funeral for the family and Little Red Chick was one of the dishes shared with us. My cousin and I immediately fell in love with it and had to have the recipe! I have no idea who the sweet woman was that gave us the recipe, but she gave me a dish I have cooked many times for my family. One of my favorite things to serve with this dish is rice! The sauce from this recipe is so yummy poured over rice, too! To get this recipe printable, just click below.

For a printable version of this devotion, click below:

Covered with Feathers

"He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge." Psalm 91:4

When I was in Kindergarten I dressed up as Big Bird for Halloween. And it wasn’t like a Big Bird costume you would buy from the store. No…this was homemade and it was awesome. My mother took a yellow turtleneck, yellow shorts, and yellow tights and hot glued yellow feathers all over them. Then she took cardboard and created large wings and covered them in yellow feathers too. And….I even painted my face yellow and had a beak! I was an awesome Big Bird that Halloween!

When I think about that costume I think about how much I was covered in feathers…literally from head to toe. And that reminds me of a Bible verse in the book of Psalms. In Psalm 91:4, the writer says that God will “cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge.” Have you ever thought about God covering you with feathers and wings? Probably not, but this is a great visual for us as it reminds us that God protects us!

Think about a time when you have been sad, lonely, or scared. Those times are not fun and we would rather not feel that way. But here’s what you can do the next time you feel that way….you can remember this Bible verse, pray and ask God to be with you and help you, and then picture God covering you with His feathers and wings. And His wings aren’t small, either. They cover your whole body and you are protected by Him.

Another way I think about God protecting us with His feathers and wings is by thinking about a hen and her chicks. Have you ever seen a hen take care of her baby chicks? She spreads her wings out wide and scoops them all under her and shelters and protects them. That is exactly how God protects us. And we know that because the Bible tells us so! God takes His wings, scoops us up, and protects and shelters us at all times.

Remember that God is with you. Remember that God loves you. And remember that He protects you and cares for you, even in the sad and scary times.

Dear God, thank You for Your love. Thank You for protecting us and covering us with Your wings. Help us to always feel Your love and protection. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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