Why We Quit (Book Review)

by Vanessa Myers

If you’re in the ministry (and have been for a long period of time), I believe I can safely say that at some point in your career you have uttered the words “I want to quit.” Perhaps you are overwhelmed, maybe you’re tired because of the long hours you have to work, maybe you realize that ministry is not what you had thought it would be, or perhaps you have some type of conflict you cannot resolve. No matter what the issue is, you realize that this isn’t what you signed up for.

And you know what?

You’re not alone.

In her new book, Why We Quit, Trisha Peach delves right into the many reasons why ministry leaders leave. And she is spot on for all of them. She helps you see the warning signs of a leader who is on their way out the door. And she shows you that ministry leaders leave due to reasons such as transition fallout, blindness to what ministry is really about, failure to have support, conflict chaos, being sucked into the evil desires of the world such as sex, drugs, and money, being overcome with anxiety and depression, and just flat burned out.

What I love about this book is that she gives you real life examples of ministry leaders in the trenches. She shares personal stories of her own as well as other leaders stories. I love this section because it helps me see that I am not alone. I found myself nodding my head a lot to stories she shared. And I also found myself getting upset! I was upset for the ministry leaders whom these things happened to. I couldn’t believe how crazy some of the stories were! Why would any Christian leader act that way? It was very eye opening!

If you are in the pit of wanting to quit your ministry job, I pray you will find this book and hope it gives you encouragement to know you are not alone. Not only do other ministry leaders know how you feel, but Jesus knows. And He cares. I pray you will find the help you need to continue to pursue the path the Lord has chosen for you as you serve Him.

Giveaway Time!!

Trisha is giving away a copy of her book! If you would like to be entered into the giveaway, just comment on this blog or on one of my social media posts. Leave a comment about one area you are struggling with right now in ministry. And I will be praying for you! Giveaway winner will be announced on Wednesday, November 6.

Trisha’s book is available on Amazon so make sure to check it out!

I’ll leave you with this quote from her book:

God is the One who called you so one person or one church cannot UNCALL you.

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