Mom in the Ministry Milestone

by Vanessa Myers

It’s that time of year….

Kids are hitting some major milestones in their lives.

And for this mother….it’s sad.

No, I don’t have any children graduating from high school or college.  I don’t have any children moving away or getting new jobs far from home.

But I am hitting a change in my ministry life.

In about a month, I will no longer have any of my own children in my ministry.  My youngest child just finished 5th grade and she will be transitioning out of children’s ministry into youth ministry.  No longer will my own children be a part of the ministry that I lead.  I won’t see their sweet smiling faces in Kidz Church on Sunday mornings or KidVenture on Sunday nights.  I won’t see them shaking their heads at me because I am dancing and being crazy.  I won’t see them hide their faces because they are embarrassed by a story I told.  I won’t see them raising their hands to answer questions I ask.  I won’t be taking them on children’s retreats with me.  I won’t have the joy of seeing them in the children’s ministry at my church anymore.

I didn’t have a hard time with it when my first one moved up to the youth group, but with the last one leaving, I am feeling sadness.  I think it’s because one of the main reasons I came into children’s ministry is because I wanted to be a part of and involved in what my children were doing at church.  When my girls were born I was a youth minister.  Any time there were activities for youth there were activities for kids, and I was missing out on being involved in their church life.  So when a job in children’s ministry became available in a town that I loved very much, I applied and was hired.

Eight years later, I have seen both of my kids through the children’s ministry. I have seen both my girls give their life to Christ (with my youngest I actually prayed with her when she did).  I have seen them both be baptized (my oldest decided that for her birthday when she was 10 years old she wanted to be baptized.  The best birthday gift ever for her!).  I have watched other adults invest in their lives as their teachers and small group leaders.  It has been a joy to be able to be a part of their spiritual journey, not only as a parent but as a teacher and ministry leader.  (But I know I am still a part of their spiritual journey as a parent..and will be for the rest of their lives).

Now a new phase of their spiritual life is starting.  My oldest has been in the youth group for two years and really loves it.  I am excited to see my youngest grow and mature in her faith as she enters middle school.  And now they will get to be a part of the children’s ministry in a different role if they want…as volunteers.  I will really look forward to them being helpers!

I love my job as a Children’s Director!  However, I will certainly miss my children being a part of it.  I will miss those preschool and elementary years.  I will miss it so much, but I am so grateful that God chose me to not only be the mother to two beautiful daughters, but also to be their ministry leader.  I am so blessed!

If you’re a mom in the ministry and you are experiencing a milestone like this, know that we are in this together.  Share your story with me!  I would love to hear from you.  May we all remember that even though we are sad about our kids growing up, God has great plans in store for them.

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